Re: [orca-list] Punctuation, capital letters, exchange of characters and strings, generally error in the design of Orca


On Mo, Apr 07, 2008 at 03:59:56 +0200, Jan Buchal wrote:
"HS" == Halim Sahin <halim sahin t-online de> writes:

    HS> Hello Jan, I am not very happy about your decision to use python
    HS> for the new tts-api and dispatcher. Currently speechd works very
    HS> stable and it does not have any big dependency. Will the new api
    HS> replace current speechd? If this is the goal all apps except
    HS> orca must add python to their dependency list.

Yes, but that will be not so difficult. 

The problem is I don't want that small application which were written in
C must use python stuff in near future like suse-blinux and brltty and
Well you have planed  a c library to use in these apps but the core
dispatcher server will be written in python.
This is in my opinion the wrong way for this project.
I hope I am wrong!!

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