Re: [orca-list] Orca is silent after updating Gnome-Speech

Am Freitag, den 04.04.2008, 16:02 -0400 schrieb Willie Walker:
"Hi Hermann:

I haven't tried in a while, but the "/usr/bin/aoss" trick should work. 
There might be a 'sticky' Bonobo thing hanging around that remembered 
the old GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_Espeak.server file.  Try logging 
out, running 'bonobo-slay', and then logging back in."

Exactly! Restarting the system solved this; perhaps relogging to Gnome
would have done it. But who thinks of this, when you a bit nervous about
resetting the whole speech output.

"BTW, I've heard that pulseaudio support is helping address the notion of 
device contention. As a result of this, you might not run into 
gnome-speech device contention issues when you're using a system that is 
using pulseaudio.

Which system? I've heard of some instabilities of PulseAudio.

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