Re: [orca-list] interesting performance with speech-dispatcher and orca.

Great, now I see where the problem is!  So you were using the Gnome
Speech driver, not the direct Speech Dispatcher orca backend.  As Herman
noted, you must select Speech Dispatcher as the speech system, not as a
synthesizer for Gnome Speech.  This is the whole point.  The Gnome
Speech driver doesn't support callbacks, so the SayAll function will
definitely not work with it.  It is also quite possible that it is not
very stable, so please, if you have problems, make sure you are using
the backend as the speech system, not the Gnome Speech driver.  This
really makes a huge difference!

To make the backend available, you will need Speech Dispatcher 0.6.2.
I'm not sure how to install it in Ubuntu, but in Debian it is in
unstable.  Other option, of course is to compile it from sources.

When you run Orca from terminal, you should see an error message after
you open the preferences dialog, when the correct version of Speech
Dispatcher and its Python bindings is not available.

For using the backend, you don't need /usr/bin/speechd-synthesis-driver,
this is the Gnome Speech driver.

Hope it is clear now.  Let me know if not.

Best regards, Tomas

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