Re: [orca-list] Orca ff3 testing platform

Hi Chris:

We develop primarily on Solaris Express x86 and Ubuntu Feisty, and we regularly grab the FF3 nightly builds.

Hope this helps,


Christopher Moore wrote:
Many of the problems cited in messages on this list seem to relate back to machines running different variants of linux and I suppose solaris. So during this period of ff3 testing would it be helpful for users and developers to decide on a common platform? Once the testing phase were reasonably stable on the given platform, testing could be expanded to alternative distros.

This is obviously not a complete solution because it does not take into account the variation in hardware, but it would reduce the vagueries introduced by software differences. lorenzo's experience is a perfect example of what I am talking about. He thought that upgrading to Feisty was a good thing because he would receive the advantages the 2.18 gnome packages. But the ff3 developers are apparently testing on some other software platform. I don't want to open up the "which is the best distro" debate, but I would like to see a particular one endorsed for ff3 and orca testing. If making such a policy statement would place the orca team in an uncomfortable position, we could at least have some informal feedback on this list from testers' experiences using a variety of distros.

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