Re: [orca-list] losing speech

Hey all, I am happy to report, problem solved. I'm running orca 2.19.5 pre, and it was my error, why I was losing speech. I was able to restore speech after updating, and examined my log for speech-dispatcher. It turns out that sd is reading from /usr/local/etc/speechd.conf, not the /etc location. I set my settings in /usr/local/etc, and all is good. Now to compile latest CVS and get ttsynth working.

Thanks to all,

P.S. Does anyone know of an Orca accessible program to rip a CD to your hard drive and convert the tracks to MP3 format?

At 10:49 AM 6/25/2007, Tomas Cerha wrote:

Guy Schlosser napsal(a):
> I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 with only Espeak installed, and every time I go
> to preferences, and switch the speech system to speech-dispatcher, I
> lose speech completely.

Hi Guy, what version of Orca are you using?  There was a similar problem
in the initial 2.19 release.  Try Orca from SVN.

Best regards, Tomas.

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