Re: [orca-list] Again: The orca-customizations script

Hi Hermann:

At this point, I think I need to see your ~/.orca/ and ~/.orca/ files. The fact that the Orca settings dialog appears every time leads me to believe there might be a typo in one of them. Can you please send them to me?


Hermann wrote:
Hi Will,
thank you for your help, but in the meantime I figured out what was wrong: Placing the file into ~/.orca is the right way as you explained. I Thought I have to place it into the orca-scripts subfolder, because it is an additional Orca script. One small problem remains: It contains two scripts, one that switches the caret tracking in FF to Orca-control, and the second that says time and date by pressing Orca+d; the second one is what I need. Caret tracking by Orca is implemented as standard behavior. So I commented out the first lines, but this results in a loop where the Orca settings get started every time, and then the program freezes. What can be the reason for this? Note: It's not really disturbing, but why invoking the same procedure twice?

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