Re: [orca-list] Potential conflict between Orca and emacspeak with hardware synth

Hi, Tomas,

Thanks for the pointer--I'll take a look. However, I can get emacspeak and Orca working well together in an X session if both are using software synthesizers. I love the feedback I get from emacspeak when I'm coding or creating a LaTeX document. My problem at the moment is that I love the speech quality from my DECTalk Express much more than the software synts--call me old fashioned. ;-)


From: "Tomas Cerha" <cerha brailcom org>
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Potential conflict between Orca and emacspeak with hardware synth

Hello David,

JFYI, you can also try speechd-el instead of emacspeak.  It uses Speech
Dispatcher and thus works smoothly together with Orca.  See for more information.

Best regards, Tomas

David E. Price wrote:
I made your suggested change to the file, and the reset
strings are no longer sent to my DECTalk Express when I start Orca
Properties. Unfortunately, this did not solve the problem that
originated this thread. If I start emacspeak and then try to switch to
another application with Orca running, everything freezes.  I either
have to kill emacspeak, Orca, or restart the X server to get things
running again.

I'll put this question out on the emacspeak list and see if anyone has
found a workaround.

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