Re: [orca-list] Potential conflict between Orca and emacspeak with hardware synth


I put this in my

orca.settings.speechFactoryModules = ["gnomespeechfactory", "speechdispatcherfactory"]

and now my speak-out doesn't start reading out DEC-talk commands when I enter the preferences dialog.

-- Mike Gorse / AIM:linvortex / --

On Wed, 5 Dec 2007, Willie Walker wrote:

As a test, you might try putting the following lines in your ~/.orca/ file:

#  Settings that apply to the particular speech engine to
#  use as well details on the default voices to use.
# orca.settings.speechFactoryModules = ["gnomespeechfactory"]

This erases Orca's knowledge of the emacspeak and speechdipatcher modules. If this stops the probing, then we can be almost sure its one of "espeechfactory" and/or "speechdispatcherfactory". You can add those strings to the speechFactoryModules above, separated by commas to test more. For example:

orca.settings.speechFactoryModules = ["gnomespeechfactory", "espeechfactory"]

I'd be interested in what happens,

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