Re: Orca free text-to-speech engines for ?

Ricky Enger wrote:
Tomas Cerha has written a Speech Dispatcher backend for Orca and 
instructions for setting it up can be found at:

Unfortunately, I haven't gotten this setup to work for me because the 
Speech Dispatcher driver isn't showing up as an option in Orca speech 
preferences.  Perhaps Tomas could shed some light on what might be 
causing this...

Hi Ricky and others,

If you installed Speech Dispatcher as a Debian package, you will also
need to install the Speech Dispatcher Python Interface, which is in a
separate package called python-speechd.  The same probably applies for
Ubuntu.  Installing this package should fix the problem and Speech
Dispatcher should show up automatically in preferences on next Orca startup.

Thank you for noticing that, I will add the information to the
instructions.  Let me know if it helped.

Best regards


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