Re: Orca Debugging gnome-speech (was Re: troubbles by running orca)

Hoppa Willie and all readers,

on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 at 8:12:33 PM means Willie Walker:
In the window where you run festival-synthesis-driver, you should see
something similar to the following as you run test-speech:

wwalker ubuntu:~/orca$ festival-synthesis-driver 
server    Mon Dec 18 09:52:36 2006 : Festival server started on port
client(1) Mon Dec 18 09:52:37 2006 : accepted from localhost
Festival driver finalized.

If you're not getting any messages, then test-speech might be connecting
to a different synthesis driver.

I try it again and the following happens when I start the test-speech:

client(4) Tue Dec 19 19:38:40 2006 : accepted from localhost
Segmentation fault

Best regards Sebastian 
ICQ: 264706583 / MSM: sebo blinzeln de / Skype: sebo_de
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