Re: Orca How to make brltty read Chinese uner gnome-terminal?

Thank you! Ibmtts is working now but in English.
I've choosen the voice for zh_TW.

On Tue, 12 Dec 2006, Willie Walker wrote:

 There is a gnome-speech driver for IBMTTS.  It's name is the old name
 that IBMTTS used to be known by (ViaVoice).  To enable it, you need to
 grab the gnome-speech sources from GNOME CVS and build/install them.

 These commands should hopefully work:

 export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous anoncvs gnome org:/cvs/gnome
 cvs login
 <return to enter an empty password>
 cvs -x3 co gnome-speech
 cd gnome-speech
 ./ --prefix=/usr
 sudo make install

 If the viavoice driver isn't built (the tail end of the output from the
 autogen will let you know if it will be built or not), you may need to
 add an "--with-viavoice-dir=<path>" to the autogen line, where <path> is
 the path where IBMTTS is installed.  I think the default
 is /opt/IBM/ibmtts.

 Hope this helps, and let us know if it works or not.


 On Tue, 2006-12-12 at 14:32 +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote:
>  coscell mail batol net, le Tue 12 Dec 2006 21:27:45 +0800, a ?crit :
> >  Yes, I have ibmtts for Chinese version.
> > Then you need to find a way for orca to use it, maybe through
>  speech-dispatcher for instance.
> > Samuel >
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