Orca Debugging gnome-speech (was Re: troubbles by running orca)

6. If things spoke at one time, but are no longer working, try doing a 'ps -fax | grep synthesis-driver' or 
'ps -elf | grep synthesis-driver'. Kill the
associated process and try 'test-speech' again. If speech works again, then a driver got hung.

I can't find the process. I search with ps aux/elf/fax and grep to
Synthesis, synthesis, driver, etc. Only festival can be found.

Ahh...kill anything to do with festival.  Something like this might

kill -9 `ps -eo pid,ruid,args | egrep "synthesis-driver|festival [-][-]server" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print 
$1 }` > /dev/null 2>&1

B. If there are files, then try running one of the drivers by hand from a terminal window. You'll know the 
location and name of the driver by looking for
the type="exe" line in the relevant /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/GNOME_Speech_
_* file.

Who can I run the driver by hand? I try:

You need to look for the "=exe" line in the file.  The driver is
typically installed in /usr/bin and has a name of the form
"*-synthesis-driver".  For example:

# grep 'type="exe"' /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/GNOME_Speech_SynthesisDriver_Festival.server 
                    type="exe" location="/usr/bin/festival-synthesis-driver">

This says /usr/bin/festival-synthesis-driver is what you're looking for.

1) Make sure you kill all things related to festival as shown above

2) Run /usr/bin/festival-synthesis-driver in a separate window (or
virtual console)

3) Run test-speech in another window (or virtual console)

4) If things go awry, see if there are any errors in the window where
you are running festival-synthesis-driver


I also have an amd64 with the debian amd64 etch. It this the reason?

It most likely is :-(, but I'm not sure.  I've heard recently that
people have been having success on 64-bit Ubuntu boxes.  If you're not
committed to Debian, you might give Ubuntu a try.


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