Re: trying to bond ethernet and wifi with no luck

On Tue, 2018-05-22 at 06:25 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
On Tue, 2018-05-22 at 07:58 +0200, Beniamino Galvani wrote:



bond-slave-wlp3s0-1 is of type 'ethernet', while it should be
'wifi'. You can create the wifi connection using your favorite
graphical tool or nmcli and then change its master to the bond in

 nmcli connection modify $wifi-slave-con \
                         connection.master bond0 \
                     connection.slave-type bond             

Ahhh.  OK.  This does seem to work.

But I have to add "wifi" to the bonded connection by (AP) name?  I
cannot have a generic "placeholder" than means "whichever AP is near
and I am already authenticated to" such that as I move around, the
slave of the bond may change?  I.e. in the same manner as having
multiple (unbonded) wifi connections in NM.

Correct, you cannot.

It's not clear why you say "in the same manner...", because this is
regardless of whether your enslave a Wi-Fi profile to a bond or not. A
Wi-Fi profile in NetworkManager (currently) always requires to specify
the exact SSID (AP name).

Maybe it's a missing feature, but it's not clear to me that this would
be very useful. Because, commonly each network (SSID) also comes with
distinct set of authentication parameters (password).


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