Re: How to tell NM to ignore some interfaces

On Tue, 2015-11-17 at 13:30 +0000, Jetchko Jekov wrote:
Here it is.

NM will always detect all kernel interfaces and expose them through its
APIs, but it will *not* necessarily actively manage them.  That is what
an "unmanaged" device means.  But NM will still reflect the state of
that device through its D-Bus API.s

In your case, it appears that NM is touching the interface in a few
cases, first for IPv6LL and second for the arping.  NM probably
shouldn't be doing these things.

Anyway, there are two mechanisms for marking devices as "unmanaged"
with NM 1.0.x and later:

1) NetworkManager.conf with unmanaged-devices; it appears that you have
configured this correctly so far, but Thomas would know more.

2) udev rules; all virtual-type interfaces should already be marked
'unmanaged' by udev rules shipped with NetworkManager in
 /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/85-nm-unmanaged.rules.  You can add additional
rules by copying that file to /etc/udev/rules.d and modifying it for
your own purposes.



On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 2:25 PM Thomas Haller <thaller redhat com>

On Mon, 2015-11-16 at 21:58 +0000, Jetchko Jekov wrote:
OK, I spent some time with filtering of NM log. I removed the
lines related to WiFi connections management (they contain way
much sensitive data IMO, and are irrelevant to my problem
Still the resulting file is around 280k (1,5k lines), so the
is:  Is it OK to attach such "huge" file here? Or shall I gzip
(bzip2/xz ) it first?

If you compress it, it should be small enough.
Otherwise, you can send it to me off-list.

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