I am pretty sure that this question was raised several times already on this list as I found some references when searching. But somehow none of proposed settings work for me.
In general, I want to tell NM to ignore all virtual interfaces which are not explicitly created with it. For example interfaces created by libvirt, virtual box, docker (that includes bridges, veth pairs, tun/tap interfaces and so on) . These are not in control of NM and I am not sure why NM insist on reporting status and/or controlling them.
Currently I am trying tell NM to ignore tap interface which is my end of VPN tunnel without success at all. It insist to run dhclient on this interface breaking my network setup.
after many iterations my current config (as parsed by NM itself) is:
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: [main]
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: plugins=keyfile,ifupdown,ifcfg-rh,ibft
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: dns=dnsmasq
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: no-auto-default=*
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: ignore-carrier=*
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG:
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: [ifupdown]
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: managed=false
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG:
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: [logging]
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: level=DEBUG
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG:
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: [connectivity]
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: response=OK
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: interval=300
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG:
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: [keyfile]
nm_config_data_log(): CONFIG: unmanaged-devices=interface-name:~virbr?;interface-name:~vboxnet?;interface-name:~docker?;interface-name:tap?;interface-name:~tap?;type:tap
and the result is:
$ nmcli d
virbr0 bridge connected virbr0
em1 ethernet connected em1
tap0 tap connected tap0
wlo1 wifi connected NOSI
lo loopback unmanaged --
virbr0-nic tap unmanaged --
ps ax | grep dhclient | grep tap
26168 ? S 0:00 /sbin/dhclient -d -q -sf /usr/libexec/nm-dhcp-helper -pf /var/run/dhclient-tap0.pid -lf /var/lib/NetworkManager/dhclient-e9f78bcd-46f6-4092-9246-a6139ed0e713-tap0.lease -cf /var/lib/NetworkManager/dhclient-tap0.conf tap0
and I dont have ifcfg-tap0 file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
$ NetworkManager --version
So in short, How can I tell NM to ignore tap0 (and virbr0 for that manner).
Any help is highly appreciated.
Best regards,