Re: F16 NetworkManager icon showing connecting when connected

On Thu, 2012-11-08 at 13:34 -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> Nov  8 12:48:23 lx120e NetworkManager[918]: <info> (wlan0): roamed
> from 
> BSSID 00:17:DF:A8:D2:21 (ietf) to (none) ((none)) 

Is the problem.  Let me guess; Broadcom hardware using wl.o perhaps?  Or
a staging driver?  We try to paper over this driver issue when we can,
and perhaps we can hack something else in here.  If possible, can you:

dbus-send --system --print-reply
--dest=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager
org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.SetLogging string:"debug"

(with sudo or as root) and then reconnect to the IETF AP and grab the
resulting log output?  We're specifically interested in the bits for
"get_active_ap" and why there's no match; also what the values are for:

get_active_ap(): (wlan0): active BSSID: 00:30:gg:ff:ee:dd
get_active_ap(): (wlan0): active SSID: 'xxxxxxx'


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