Re: FC12 Recent update of PPP

On Thu, 2010-02-25 at 09:55 -0800, C.Smith wrote: 
> FYI-if you run into PPPTP (VPN) failure under FC12 recently....

knowing the version of bad and good pptp , could help 

> The ~2/23/2010 update of fc12 brought down the latest and greatest ppp
> package, which broke NM. the error was something about security
> credentials and upon googling many related topics it seems NM is
> highly dependant on the lower level and has to be rebuilt, apparently
> has happened before.
> The "fix" for now is to "yum downgrade ppp" as su, and reboot, that
> works for the time being until NM can be rebuilt and distributed.
> I have no idea where the right folks are located, so this is the best
> means I can think of and its good info for others.
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Sérgio M. B.

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