Re: NM versus wpa_gui

Volker Braun wrote:
1. nm_applet ALWAYS pops up the (massively over-complicated) dialog box asking for the EAP type, username, password etc. UNDERNEATH all the other windows. It then VERY frequently pops the same box back up (again, underneath all the windows) after a few seconds. Then often again, and again - as if it's either not getting or forgetting the info I type in.

Usually, the reason is: wireless driver fails to connect and then NM
(correctly) assumes that something is wrong with your network settings.
In reality, wireless drivers often suck and send disconnects for no
good reason.
Try the svn stable branch, there were some improvements.

Specifically in fixing the Z-order of the popup? (As opposed to the wireless being flaky to connect and causing the popup). Or is no-one else seeing that bug?

  2. NM will associate some times, but other times it just seems to get
stuck in a loop and spin it's cute little icon whilst doing something.
In every case, if I "service NetworkManger stop" then fire up a
standalone wpa_supplicant and wpa_gui, I can associate (and run
dhclient) as stay associated for many hours. The standalone
wpa_supplicant *is* using the wext driver.

Run "wpa_supplicant -dd". Does it disconnect and retry often? How long
does it take to associate?

I'll try, but as I say when driven from "disconnected" to "associated" by wpa_gui it takes well under a second to associate, and is rock solid once done.

I'll get some debugging output.

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