Re: Fwd: Problem changing authentication type for wireless connection

On Fri, 29 Sep 2006, Derek Broughton wrote:

On 9/29/06, Matthew Saltzman <mjs ces clemson edu> wrote:

The latest kernels (at least in FC) are not using the latest ipw2200
drivers.  If you want to try the latest, see  These are mostly working
very well for me.

I know they're not the "latest", but not having found anything to
suggest that the latest drivers would fix anything over the version in
Ubuntu, I've been reluctant to get into compiling new drivers.

A colleague down the hall here (the author of the above-referenced pages) has had a fair bit of interaction with the driver developers and the NM developers, so it wouldn't surprise me if some improvements were related to NM peroformance issues. It's not that hard to build the drivers, so it might be worth a try.

Also, do you have the options set in modprobe.conf as suggested on that

ifup/ifdown *should* be dead-on reliable, if the config files are correct.

One thing I've noticed about NM is that sometimes after some
suspend/resume cycles, I can't reconnect to any wireless network without
toggling "enable wireless", restarting NM, and/or unloading/reloading the
ipw2200 driver.  Otherwise, it's working well.

Yes, I had the same problem.  Now it''s getting even flakier though,
which is why I have my doubts about the hardware.

Hard to say. I find it depends somewhat on my Wifi environment. Crowded airwaves and weak signals seem to make the problem worse. My usual, well-controlled environment doesn't give me problems very often.

		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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