Re: Great program!

On 6/7/06, Darren Albers <dalbers gmail com> wrote:
On 6/7/06, Gonzalo Diethelm <gonzalo diethelm diethelm org> wrote:
>  Yes, I am running Ubuntu (Dapper), and Network Manager is 0.6.2. I did try to do my homework and went over the bugs in Launchpad, but since I found several that could be related to this (31286, 44753, 34898 and 35225), didn't do anything... I hope you can ask them to backport it.
I'll take a look tonight, assuming the fix is somewhat trivial (and I
seem to remember that it was) I am sure that it will be considered for

It looks like 31286 is the proper bug and someone already posted the
patch to resolve it.  Lets give them a bit of time to recover from the
release and then see about contacting someone to see if it can be
included in Dapper-updates.  They may not want to deploy that patch
since it changes a key functionality of Network Manager but we can


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