Re: Great program!

On 6/7/06, Gonzalo Diethelm <gonzalo diethelm diethelm org> wrote:
 Now, a few questions and suggestions:

Sometimes I am asked to open my keyring twice. I don't know if it is because of a timeout
or some other reason; this happens even if I only have one WiFi network configured to use

This is a known issue and is fixed in the latest release, judging by
your next point I am guessing that you run Ubuntu which is still on
0.6.2.  You may want to find the bug on launchpad for this and mention
that the fix for this is in 0.6.3 and see if it can be backported to
0.6.2 for dapper-updates.  If you don't do it I will try and remember
to do this myself tomorrow.

Even opening the keyring once could be taken as a nuisance. It would be great if I could
just configure Network Manager to handle this information
automatically (even if it is in the
clear, I am the only user of my laptop).

This is a feature scheduled for the 0.70 release.

That brings me to the issue of documentation: there isn't any. When I first installed
Network Manager my configuration didn't work; I had to dive into the
mailing list to find that
I needed a very bare-bones interfaces file, otherwise Network Manager
would ignore the

The particular issue you had is an Ubuntu/Debian only change and not
the default behavior of NM and I thought that Ubuntu/Debian did have
some pretty good docs under Readme.Debian but maybe it should have
been integrated into YELP?  I think this is a distro specific issue so
you may want to open a bug on launchpad asking if they can add the
docs in Yelp?  The current docs in Yelp are basically useless.  If you
don't open the bug I will make a note to do it tomorrow morning when I
have some time to properly draft the spec.  I am not sure if there is
a formal documentation repository available anywhere...  If not maybe
opening something on would be appropriate and people
like myself could update it?

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