Re: NM 0.6.2-Ubuntu 6.06--conflict b/w NM & native Ubuntu networking tool?

On 8/6/2006 10:48 AM, Darren Albers wrote:
On 8/4/06, Jacob <fun2program8 yahoo com> wrote:

<On 8/4/06, Leigh Noble <noble ms uky edu> wrote:>
However, enabling eth1 in the native Ubuntu networking tool causes all
the eth1 entries to be re-written into /etc/network/interfaces. If I
logout without editing this file, upon restart NetworkManager does not
recognize the wireless card at all. If I re-edit /etc/network/interfaces
and remove all eth1 references, upon restart NetworkManager *can* see
the wireless card (and access points in my area), but again, eth1 is not
enabled and NetworkManager actually cannot connect.

I think there is some confusion, Network-Manager CAN and SHOULD
connect without any entries in /etc/network/interfaces.  This sounds
like a problem with NDISWrapper, what version of NDISWrapper are you

I don't think I'm using ndiswrapper directly (unless NetworkManager uses it), but I have version 1.8-0ubuntu2 of ndiswrapper-utils installed. I'm using the ipw2200 driver and NetworkManager reports ipw2200 under it's Connection Information. ndiswrapper -l currently lists no installed drivers.

Back before I installed Network Manager I tried using ndiswrapper and installed the windows driver w29n51 with it. I gave up on ndiswrapper as my solution and uninstalled the w29n51 driver. It's likely I might have followed the instructions here: and performed the "sudo depmod -a" and "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" commands. However, now when I check "modprobe -c | grep ndiswrapper" I get only one entry: "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper". (AFAIK, I'm only using eth0 and eth1, not the name wlan0, soooo I'm not sure if this modprobe -c entry is important or not.)

Looking at /etc/modules, the only lines listed are
I think this means ndiswrapper isn't being loaded (explicitly by me) at boot-up.

Is it worth trying something like "modprobe -r ndiswrapper"? For what it's worth, I'm using kernel version 2.6.15-26-386.

Further advice greatly appreciated,


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