Re: [PATCH] Backend for Gentoo Linux with baselayout-1.12

Dan Williams wrote:

> If it's working for you, feel free to update HEAD with the Gentoo
> backend patch and close the bug.
> For STABLE, we've got a dilemma.  Does Gentoo ship NM in a stable
> version?  If so, we probably shouldn't bump 0.6x.  If they don't, and
> it's not working in whatever release Gentoo has right now, then maybe we
> should.  People who work with Gentoo would certainly be in a better
> place to answer that question than I.

Gentoo doesn't actually ship NM at all - it is in the Gentopia overlay
(would be considered Unstable or ~arch) I do apply patches, and I will
hopefully get a chance to look at this patch this week, but I don't know
as I found out we are losing one of our primary linux developers at
work, so I don't know how busy I will be - as it stands right now,
NetworkManager does work with Gentoo, but it doesn't read from any
configs at all.  It simply does DHCP.  So this patch will be very nice
to have - as for releasing a bump, I would say no, if it is applied in
HEAD, I can apply the patch in the ebuild and go from there.  Just need
to get some testing done with it (not to mention that I don't use a
/etc/conf.d/net file at all personally)

Hope that helps.

-- Steev

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