Re: [PATCH] Backend for Gentoo Linux with baselayout-1.12

On Sun, 2006-08-06 at 00:31 +0100, Antony J Mee wrote:
> Nice work,
> On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 16:40 +0200, Shogun wrote:
> > I just wrote a patch which enables NM to read configuration file for 
> > Gentoo Linux with baselayout-1.12 (which has different format than before).
> I thought the newer format had been around longer than that. Somebody
> came on #networkmanager today wanting to use static configs on a Gentoo
> box with base-layout-1.11.something and his net.example had the newer
> format.
> > Currently, my patch can parse file which are formatted as in 
> > /etc/conf.d/net.example with long options:
> > This patch MUST be improved to support spaces in the files, and the 
> > configure script must have a test to check when apply it (or simply an 
> > use-flag in the ebuild).
> Your patch wouldn't apply against CVS HEAD so I created a new version of
> the patch and opened a bug to track this:    

If it's working for you, feel free to update HEAD with the Gentoo
backend patch and close the bug.

For STABLE, we've got a dilemma.  Does Gentoo ship NM in a stable
version?  If so, we probably shouldn't bump 0.6x.  If they don't, and
it's not working in whatever release Gentoo has right now, then maybe we
should.  People who work with Gentoo would certainly be in a better
place to answer that question than I.

> ----
> Also, can anybody tell me the official line on indenting (tabs /2
> spaces/ 4 spaces) and placement of the opening braces?
> NetworkManagerGentoo.c is one of the many files suffering from quite a
> mixture :-)

For the backends specifically, use whatever style you'd like as long as
it's consistent within the file.  That should be fine.


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