Re: [Nautilus-list] Re: [Galeon-devel] native scrollbars (again)

On 24Oct2001 11:49PM (-0500), Govind S. Salinas wrote:
>    Hi,
>    I'm not an active member of this list or anything but I do read it on
>    a regular basis and I have some
>    things to say on this topic.  First off, I don't think you CAN have to
>    many options.  I know that flies in
>    the face of all the people who cry out, "There is too much, I can't
>    handle it all!", but I think there is a
>    place for all of the more nit-pickie customizations out there.  And I
>    love Galeon because it has many
>    of these types of things.
>    However, I do believe that things should be as psychologically correct
>    as possible on default and
>    allow individuals to change it to their preferences.  In my
>    experience, for every feature you have you
>    will find someone who hates how it behaves and one who wouldn't want
>    it any other way.  So these
>    things should be available for them.  Stick them in an Advanced
>    section or partition it off into Beginner,
>    Intermediate and Advanced sections.  But DON'T get rid of them.
>    Except of course that there are some
>    that should simply not be needed at all.  

There's more of these than you think. And having lots of options, even
at Expert level, makes the useful ones harder to find. I can't figure
out how to configure anything in X-chat for instance, because I am
lost in a sea of useless options, even though I've been using it
almost two years now. So this isn't a problem just for beginners.

I don't want to go through all your comments, but let me give one
example of how this issue can be resolved:

>   * On Startup / On New Page -> agree on something sane for both
>    No.  I don't want the same thing for both.  I set my home page to be
>    the portal so its good for starting
>    up in, it lets me navigate quickly.  However, I want my new page to be
>    a copy of where I currently am
>    because I often have forks in what I wish to read on a certain site.
>    This is an easy convenient way to
>    get around.

Why not have the home page setting apply only when you first start, or
hit Home, but have new windows come up viewing the same locationa s
they were launched from. That reduces that stuff down to only one
setting, the home page. I agree with you that for a new window in a
browser, the current location is usually more useful than an arbitrary
home page.

 - Maciej

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