Re: [Nautilus-list] The screenshots made me think....

On 30 Jan 2001 13:51:50 -0800, Ramiro Estrugo wrote:
> Mattias Eriksson wrote:
> > The icons in the toolbar seems to be controled by some internal theme,
> > isn't it better to use gnome default stock items? And if they are too
> > ugly,  replace them? Or make them controled by a central gnome theme.
> > Nautilus is going to be a central gnome application, so it is VERY
> > important that it is a gnome application and not have it's own look and
> > feel.
> One of the Nautilus "internal" themes is GNOME, but its not the default.

So the application that's going to be one of the most central gnome apps
doesn't look like gnome by defautl?!?!? Don't do this please... if you
think the default gnome settings it to ugly or something, try to replace
them instead. 

> > There have been some complaints about Nautilus not using system fonts,
> > have those things been corrected? Or more general, does Nautilus use the
> > system fonts all over?
> We fixed the most important ones in pr3.  You can make nautilus respect
> your gtk theme font (the one you select using the control center) by
> toggling the "smooth graphics."

Smooth graphics is not a good name for this, I agreen with David Bishop
that separate the fonts into a own options. I also think that since it's
going to be a central part of gnome it sould use gnome system fonts by
default. I'm starting to get the feeling that the people working on
Nautilus are looking on gnome from the wrong perspective, the aim must
be to be a part of gnome. If gnome has flaws fix the flaws in gnome,
don't do a workaround in your own application.


Mattias Eriksson             E-mail: c96men cs umu se 
Tvistevägen 26                       snaggen acc umu se
907 36  UMEA                 Tel:    090-198800
SWEDEN                               070-5636769
'I don't fight for a cause   Hemsida: 
I fight for the fight'       PGP:

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