Re: Hildon on MeeGo

2010/6/15 Dave Neary <dneary gnome org>:
> That said, it is disappointing that there was essentially no response
> from anyone involved in the GTK+ toolkit as to what changes would be
> required in GTK+ to allow Hildon to be developed & maintained as a
> useful independent project on top of stock GTK+.

IMHO, It's hildon what should be adapted to current GTK+.
Sure, GTK+ mantainers can acept patches to adapt some things, but the
porting effort is in the hildon part.

I don't know if a lot of changes are needed in hildon code, but the
libhildon Debian version [1] can be compiled against current GTK+
master without problems.

To move things forward: could the hildon devels make a list with the
changes needed on both project to coexist?
We can publish that info in GNOME wiki [2] so everybody can track the progress.

Then, if someone is interesed in the work, It can be
proposed/presented on the gtk-devel list and / or in some GTK+ meeting
[2] to discussion.

Javier Jardón Cabezas

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