Re: Meld 1.7.2 released


 2. as I stated in #1, I _am_ using PyGTK/GTK+ all-in-one bundle, but I am
 using the x64 versions - GTK+, version 2.22.1 is from gnome [1] and PyGTK,
 same version, is from Christoph Gohlke [2].

I think this is the problem here. The PyGTK all-in-one installers
explicitly don't support x64 versions. In addition, you shouldn't
(AFAIK) be using the binaries from The PyGTK installers
theoretically come with everything you should need, and there may be
some weird issues arising from having both the GTK binaries and the
PyGTK installer binaries on the same system.


I have been using this setup for a long time now, it is what Christoph explicitly recommends [1], "PyGTK [2] 
is a wrapper for the GTK+ [3] library. Requires the GTK+ 2.22 [4] runtime."

**And it works _fine_ with meld-1.6.1.** It also works fine with Geany. But the version of gtk is old, 2.22, 
and the corresponding gnome libraries are also old, so maybe that's the culprit?

I did a quick google search on the topic and this issue is pretty ubiquitous, and not just with windows. The 
issue does appear to be related to an icon theme that is not on the target machine, and the solution is 
always to install the icon theme, then all supposedly is well. [5]

I wonder if the new png icon will solve the problem? - Nope! I can see the icon now, the first time I run it, 
but it crashes with that same error:

    Gtk:ERROR:gtkrecentmanager.c:1942:get_icon_fallback: assertion failed: (retval != NULL)

And then it crashes everytime.

I also changed my gtkrc to say

    gtk-theme-name = "hicolor"

but that results in a hideous theme, so I switched it back to 

    gtk-theme-name = "MS-Windows"

which looks like the windows 7 aero theme.

I am also trying to install the gnome-icon-theme, but it probably won't work. I guess we'll just have to wait 
until someone compiles PyGTK for Windows 7 x64. Until then I can use Keegan's x86 installer or more likely 
I'll just stick with 1.6.1.



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