Re: Meld 1.7.2 released

On 18 April 2013 10:31, Mark Mikofski <bwanamarko yahoo com> wrote:
From: Kai Willadsen <kai willadsen gmail com>

To: Mark Mikofski <bwanamarko yahoo com>
Cc: meld-list <meld-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: Meld 1.7.2 released

I have no idea about libintl packaging. I assumed that GTK or PyGTK or
something would include it.

It *is* required for translations to work properly. If anyone knows
about this stuff Windows-side, and can tell me that I can't rely on it
being present, then it's not difficult to reproduce the old try/except
behaviour here. However, given the below problem I'm currently
inclined to think it's an installation issue.

This just looks like a broken install to me. I don't know that we
expect Meld to function without an icon theme installed. I know
~nothing about Windows GTK+ packaging options, but I test with the
PyGtk all-in-one installer, making it pretty much the only 'supported'
option. However, Keegan's installer is high on the list, and may well
be a better option.


2. as I stated in #1, I _am_ using PyGTK/GTK+ all-in-one bundle, but I am
using the x64 versions - GTK+, version 2.22.1 is from gnome [1] and PyGTK,
same version, is from Christoph Gohlke [2].

I think this is the problem here. The PyGTK all-in-one installers
explicitly don't support x64 versions. In addition, you shouldn't
(AFAIK) be using the binaries from The PyGTK installers
theoretically come with everything you should need, and there may be
some weird issues arising from having both the GTK binaries and the
PyGTK installer binaries on the same system.


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