Re: GNOME 3 videos

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 2:38 PM, will kahn-greene <willg bluesock org> wrote:
"Miro" is a desktop media player application.  You can download it at
<>.  It has nothing to do with this conversation.

"GNOME Miro Community" is a web-site that indexes GNOME videos
regardless of where they are on the Internet.  It is at
<>.  I often abbreviate it as GMC.  The
site doesn't host video.  The site is not a channel.  GNOME Miro
Community is not like YouTube or Vimeo.

I'm concerned that I have to keep clarifying this.  It suggests to me
that GNOME Miro Community is making this situation worse rather than

You're right, and we owe you a clear response on this.  So let's make it clear.  I think we need to focus on youtube for a number of reasons.  We don't really have a proper plan on how we could take advantage of mirocommunity at the moment and I think we need to think about it some more.

GMC is a great resource and I can see it as something that I'd like to push after the release.  Youtube has some advantages especially in terms of a possible revenue stream, a potential large set of new users, and name recognition.

So my vote is to drop Vimeo and GMC for now until we can come up with a plan takes advantage of the those sites to their potential.  Otherwise we need to concentrate one place.


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