Re: Please test the Friends of GNOME survey!

I have some random comments, not sure how many are applicable.

I really like the survey, and I think it asks some great questions.  I also like the anonymity call out at the top.

* I don't think it's a big concern, but we haven't given people an opt-in or opt-out option on email communication from GNOME for things like this.  (My theory is, if they've given us money, they like us.  But just mentioning).

* Half the questions are "Check all apply" - I think it's good to get as much information as we can, but specifically on the 2 questions regarding GNOME Foundation activities, will it give us a specific enough answer?  I'm worried that we can't be everything to everyone, and they'll be a lot of checkboxes.  (How do we follow up on what should be prioritized?)

* For the question:

Did you know about our Friends of GNOME badges,

Friends of GNOME are presented with their own badges after donating.  (  Do we want to link to that instead, or in addition to?

* How old are you?  - Is there a reason we're trying to get more granular understanding the age of contributors, specifically younger?  Typically a prime demographic to go after is Males 26-35 (at least in TV), but I'm not sure how these age groups were picked.

As far as your last question below, one user in IRC stated that internationally, Paypal wasn't a good option because of the fees, especially for monthly.  Is it possible to look into Google Checkout as an option?  The Software Freedom Conservancy offers it's member projects both a Paypal cart and Google Checkout, and there are zero fees with Google.

Thanks for putting this together.


On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:
One thing I'd really like is information on how to make the monthly subscription option more attractive. I can't think of any good question, except to add a question:

Did you subscribe to the $10 monthly subscription or did you give a one time donation?
- I subscribed to the $10 monthly subscription.
- I gave a one time (or multiple one time) donations.
- I don't know.

Then we can compare those that did to those that didn't to see if we can see any differences. So I'm going to add that question.

I'll add it on Sunday when I close the test survey.


On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 10:38 AM, Luis Villa <luis tieguy org> wrote:
Did you know about our Friends of GNOME badges,

missing a ?

looks good otherwise.

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 10:13 AM, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 28.05.2009, 07:53 -0600 schrieb Stormy Peters:
>> Can you please test the Friends of GNOME survey?
> There are several "Rythmbox" typos (but 50% of the population won't
> recognize anyway :-P), and and
> looks pretty ugly -
> what about only printing those answers that are not "No"?
> "Yes [Y]" and "yes [2]" are also very cryptic.
> andre
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