Re: [libxml++] patch to allow building without glibmm


I will cerainly make use of this. I've had issues getting libxml++'s dependancies to build for my projects, and have been seriously considering the use of xmlwrap instead due to the inconvenience of having glibmm as a dependancy.


MC> > Also, I wanted to have a clean way to build libxml++ without glibmm
MC> > and so I've created the attached patch to do it.
MC> MC> Sounds OK, though I don't think many people will really need it.

One point doesn't make a convincing statistics, but I'm currently
participating in work on several different projects each of which had
initially chosen to use xmlwrapp instead of libxml++ just because of this
dependency. I'd like to use libxml++ instead but there is just no way I'm
going to make my project depend on GTK+ just because of this (especially as
there is no real need to use Glib::ustring here apparently)

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