[guadec-list] Press team: help needed

Hi guys!,

 in the press team, we have defined a list of tasks. We would thank a
lot your help in any of them. 

 The point is that GUADEC is already there, so we need to match
volunteers and tasks as soon as possible. 

* Deadline to the any of the tasks: Wednesday 7th

 I will translate to Spanish whatever you write and send it to our media
partners, press contacts through our sponsors and press contacts here in

 If you need to get in touch with any of our VIPs, I will give you their
contact and help with the proccess. If you need more information, I will
supply it.

 Thomas and Shaun, I Ccopy you this email you because you both offered
help a couple of weeks ago. If you still are able to do it, please pick
some of the tasks and let me know. 

 The list of tasks:

* Press contact: sending information and releases to media, link between
media and VIPs, having the cell phone on 24 hours before and during
--> Assigned to: javivázquez

* Press Kit (an example in
http://2005.guadec-es.org/guadec/sala_prensa/disponibles_dossier_y_nota_de_prensa [Spanish])
--> Deadline: Wednesday 14th
--> Assigned to: 

* A press release to announce the event
--> Deadline: Wednesday 14th
--> Assigned to: 

* 3 press releases, one for each day of the conference, talking
about the important conferences and people of each day
--> Deadline: Monday 19th
--> Assigned to: 

* Cool story 1: Portland Project
--> Deadline: Wednesday 7th
--> English version assigned to: Sri
--> Spanish translation: javivázquez on Thursday 8th

* Cool story 2: Guy from Mongolia
A guy from Mongolia coming to GUADEC after organizing the first Linux
install party of that country with 800 participants
--> Deadline: Wednesday 7th
--> English version assigned to: Sri
--> Spanish translation: javivázquez on Thursday 8th

* Cool story 'n': a lot of possibilities, pick one or propose other you
like more
---> Possibilities: Google supporting the GNOME conference, Intel
sponsoring GUADEC, Nokia and Maemo, 100.000€ invested in accessibility
projects by the Catalan government...
--> Deadline: Wednesday 14th
--> English version assigned to: 
--> Spanish translation if needed: 

 By the way, any suggestion or idea (e.g. proposing different deadlines,
new cool stories...) will be very welcome.


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