Re: [guadec-list] GUADEC logo and web theme contests

En/na David Neary ha escrit:
> Hi,
> From experience, 10 people is too many to make a good jury - I'd fix it
> at 5.

Your experience is probably based on discussion and consensus. What
about this system based on discussion and election:

We have 7 days to decide a winner:

- Step 1: Days 1 and 2. Free debate between the members of the jury
through private mailing list. We recommend them to share their initially
preferred candidates and why. No problem if someone doesn't send any
comments. We encourage the community to debate as well in the Warm Up
forum. Days 1 and 2.

- Step 2: Day 3. Every member send a non sorted list of 3 candidates to
the prize. No problem if at 23:59h someone still hasn't sent candidates
- emails received after that won't count.  At the end of the day we have
a list of all the candidates sorted alphabetically, no matter if they
were chosen by one member or all of them.

- Step 3. Day 4 to 6. Using and the Instant
run-off voting system - - the members of the
jury vote for their candidates. Briefly explained: each voter can vote
for just one candidate or sort some/all of them in order of preference.
No problem if a member doesn't vote before the deadline. In parallel
another election is held with the same system and candidates open to the
community. The result of this public election will decide the vote of
the community in the jury's (closed) poll - it will be introduced by
hand by one of us.

- Step 4. Day 7. The winners of the 2 contests are announced.

Having 10 jury members instead of 5 doubles the potential implication of
the related communities to these contests. Having this cool voting
system increases the chances of getting really the most accepted works
as winners, approaching much better to a consensus (matematically) than
probably an email discussion between 10 or 5 members generally short of
time etc.

This poll system is easy to manage, it shouldn't take more than 3-4h of
one person (probably myself) to handle the whole process. We shouldn't
force ourselves to have the 10 members. We send the 10 invitations at
the beginning of the process (one month ahead), if we get the 10
respnses great. If not, we are not going to pursue anybody. As you see,
the system doesn't depend on anyone's (lack of) response.

Quim Gil -

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