Re: About Gtranslator 2.0

Em Seg, 2008-12-22 às 17:59 +0100, Pablo Sanxiao escreveu:
> Hi all, [...]
> Now gtranslator 2.0 is almost ready to be released. Next days I'm trying
> to fix a couple of bugs and then make the release. I will keep you
> up-to-date. We have to upload the new web page, I know, sorry for the
> delay.
> [...]

The other suggestion I'd like to discuss in the mailing list is
simplifying Gtranslator messages table to make the application need less
screen area.

AFAIK, the ID column is useful for two things: sorting by ID (which is
default, but you can sort by the other columns as well) and the "Go to"
feature. But does anyone need messages to be sorted by any order except
for by ID? Honestly, I find that sorting by status is the most
disturbing "feature" in poEdit, and I don't need messages to be sorted
by alphabetical order because I can use the search dialog to find
whatever I want. So, I believe we could simply hide the ID column and
make the messages list always sorted by ID.

Making that would impair us from using the "Go to" feature. But using
the ID to go to a message translation is a little strange, because this
ID number is not the line number in the message catalog or in the source
code, and can change if the message catalog is updated with a new POT
file. So, the "Go to" feature could be replaced by some bookmark system.

The status column could be less wide if it didn't have any column
heading. The "Status" word, in most languages, is wider than the status
icons. I not sure the meaning of the icons would be evident without the
"status" heading, though.

Leonardo Fontenelle

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