Re: Gtk::SpinButton crash

On 27/11/2013 09:24, Murray Cumming wrote:
Does glib's test suite pass 100% for you? For instance, try "make check"
in glib.

Actually, that's not an easy question to answer...  :-(

As far as the vcproj files are concerned the only two test modules (to get included in them) are 'tests/testglib.c' and 'tests/gobject/testgobject.c'. I do build both of them and both modules run without any errors. However....

There's some evidence that I should be able to build a larger number of tests using the 'makefile.msc' makefile, together with nmake. Unfortunately, when I try to build it, only two of the tests get built. It seems to crash at the third one, giving me this error message:-

      "NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'base64-test.exe'

The two tests which do get built are:-


When I run them, both tests appear to complete (without hanging or crashing) but they don't give me any text output whatsoever. I don't know whether that means they're passing or failing :-(

I'd be quite happy to build the remaining tests if I could get past the 'base64-test' problem.


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