Re: Gtk::SpinButton crash

On 27 Nov 2013, at 09:24, Murray Cumming wrote:

I don't see any quark/object-data tests in glib/tests, and I guess there
should be one, but maybe the existing tests would show some base

That seems like a good idea and worth pursuing but perhaps I should emphasise that my impression (albeit a 
'gut feeling') is that this problem isn't necessarily connected with quark management.  What seems to be 
happening is this:-

When a Gtk::SpinButton has a Gtk::Adjustment attached, a time will eventually come when the SpinButton goes 
out of scope (i.e. gets destroyed).  During the destruction process, "something" gets done to the attached 
Adjustment.  AFAICT that "something" doesn't actually destroy the Adjustment - but whatever does get done 
includes an assumption that the Gtk::Adjustment (if still attached) will still be a valid object.  Things go 
wrong if the Adjustment has already gone out of scope by the time the SpinButton goes out of scope.  It's not 
impossible that there's a connection with quark management but the key to this will be to identify what 
exactly is "getting done" to the Adjustment during destruction of the SpinButton.  If we could identify 
what's actually getting done, that would probably get us a lot closer to understanding this problem.


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