Re: What is the minimum number of lines to update a gui window without user clicking a button

On 08/11/2013 07:54 AM, Kjell Ahlstedt wrote:
Since you dislike buttons, can't you remove all buttons and the button box from my example program? Remove all code that has anything to do with the buttons except

    // Start a new worker thread.
    m_WorkerThread = Glib::Threads::Thread::create(
      sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(m_Worker, &ExampleWorker::do_work), this));

which you move to ExampleWindow's constructor. And you can change the loop in ExampleWorker::do_work() to make it run forever, if you like.


Kjell. Thanks again for your input. I have been dissenting your example and still am. I misunderstood some of the full gist of this quote. I mis-read "can't" to mean I couldn't remove the buttons and still have your code function. That was the case I was already having.

But I see you're suggesting for me to remove the buttons and everything that I don't need and showing me the minimum. I'll try this and see if I can get the code to work.

This is totally consistent with what I'm trying to do, and the namesake of this thread.

I'm still having some problems following the essentials of the and the parts. But I believe I'm getting there!

Of course your reference to where to put my code "ExampleWorker::do_worker()" clears up a lot.


-- L. James

L. D. James
ljames apollo3 com

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