Re: GTKmm for Win??

Hi Martin,

2012/2/23 Martin Brodbeck <martin brodbeck-online de>:
> Hi Frederico,
> Am Mittwoch, den 22.02.2012, 13:38 -0800 schrieb Frederico:
>> > Well, in the meantime I was successful starting the application on
>> > Windows. It looks somehow ugly, but I think there are still some config
>> > files missing on which some dlls rely on.
>> Any progress?
> The GUI still looks ugly. I still don't know if/how it is possible to
> improve this. Here you can see a screenshot:
> <>
> In the meantime I tried to compile GTK3 with MSVC, but so far without
> luck. This seems to be rarely documented. And I can't put in too much
> time...

Could you please provide some step-by-step lines to we repeat what
have you done?
> best regards
> Martin

Frederico Schardong,
Linux registered user #500582

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