Re: gtk themes with gtkmm on Windows

On Tue, 2010-11-02 at 15:46 -0400, Damon Register wrote:
> I have built an app for Windows using Mingw and gtkmm.  The app works
> great on the computer where it was compiled but when I copy it to
> another PC, it does not have the ms-windows theme.  After completing the
> instructions at for redistributing,
> the app will run but it is using the default gtk theme and not the
> ms-windows.
> After a lot of searching this list and Googling for info on this,
> I have not found anything that has helped.  With the Google info I
> only got more confused.  What is required to get themes to work
> for a redistributed app on Windows?  I notice that Wireshark seems
> to be a gtk app and I see it has its own gtkrc but I can't figure out
> how the theme stuff works for Wireshark but not my app.

I think it's

      * etc\gtkrc: Contains the GTK+ theme to use (the "MS-Windows"
      * lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\* (All files and directories within this
        directory): These are GTK+ modules such as image loaders and
        theme engines loaded at runtime.
      * share\themes\MS-Windows\gtk-2.0\gtkrc: Theme settings for the
        MS-Windows GTK+ theme.

as described on the Wiki. Make sure to keep the directory structure, and
put your binary at the toplevel or in a bin/ subdirectory.


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