Re: Redistributing gtkmm 2.16 to windows machines

On Wed, 2010-11-03 at 17:09 +0000, Filipe Apostolo wrote:
> Hi to everyone,
> I'm developing gtkmm applications with gtkmm2.16 since the further
> versions until the last one where unstable for windows.
> Now I'm trying to redistrubute the applications with local dll. I've
> created the application directory with \bin, \etc, \share, \lib and a
> LGPL.txt and added my application and the dll are inside \bin as was
> described in gtkmm project web page.
> It was working fine, altought the window theme was a litle bit diferent
> as usual but I've ignored.
> But when I've added an Image at the main window, the application it
> crashes when I run it from the distribuition directory. Of course I've
> copied the image to \bin directory.
> Well I've done more, before I load the image I check if the image
> exists, and if not I use a label instead of it. The prgram crashes also.
> Only when I change or take the image out the label is added. So I think
> it crashes when the application loads the image.
> Well and when I used the console at behind I could read that Gtkmm
> failed to load the Windows Themes, I think that is the reason of the
> unusual window.
> I think that the problem must be with the dll, paths. However the gtkmm
> page was updated and the dll's are diferent.
> So First question:
>     What can be the problem?

If it works from your development environment then I suggest to copy
additional files from the installed gtkmm to your distribution
one-by-one until it starts running from there, so you know which file(s)
are missing. I'd suspect that maybe you are missing gdk-pixbuf image
loaders or some DLLs they require, such as libpng, libjpeg or libtiff.
What format is your image?

> Second Question:
>     If it is a problem of missing files or incorrect paths can somone
> send me the 2.16 version instructions?


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