Re: About method macro


Yes that was the reason. Now one thing I still did not understand how we can create a new m4 _CONVERSION macro for any data type conversion if it is not already defined.

I check it the "Wrapping C library"document. There is a one example, but I did not understand the third argument with $2, $3 values.

Is there any more clear document?


On Jan 18, 2008 11:47 AM, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:

On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 10:34 +0200, Naveen Verma wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying to check why the _WRAP_METHOD is not working for me. I am
> defining the macro as:
> _WRAP_METHOD(void update(const Glib::ustring& data) const,
> g_checksum_update)
> But when I try to generate the code using perl script. I receive the
> error:
> (none):0:_WRAP macro encountered outside class

It probably means that you are not using one of the _CLASS_* macros.

> Although I am using macro inside the class, but don't understand why
> this error is coming. I found this error message in
> file. But some reason the above error message shows the function name
> as (none) and line number 0.
> Any clue what could be the problem?

murrayc murrayc com

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