Re: Static linking on Windows; font problems


One thing you might want to do is look at some Gtk Windows application which has a full installer and already does this. I would recommend Ethereal or Gaim. Ethereal has etc/, lib/, and share/ right there in C:/Program Files/Ethereal. Interestingly, there is not etc/fonts/, but there is an /etc/pango/. I'm not sure what Gaim does as my Gaim is set up to use the system (c:/GTK) Gtk installation.


Bruce Sherwood wrote:
Thanks. Stripping most of the dll's for my Windows application brought 
the module size from 42 MB down to 18 MB (a lot worse than 4 MB, but 

My next problem is with fonts. I get an error message "No fonts found" 
and an invitation to edit /etc/fonts/fonts.conf. I tried 
<dir>c:\WINDOWS\Fonts</dir> (Windows syntax) and 
<dir>/c/WINDOWS/Fonts</dir> (Msys syntax) to no avail. Is there someone 
on this list who has built Windows applications who can give me a clue 
what the issue is? Thanks.

Bruce Sherwood

José Alburquerque wrote:
José Alburquerque wrote:

Bruce Sherwood wrote:

In fact, Robert Pearce pointed me to Dependency Walker (I had failed 
to ask the right question of Google to find it myself), and it did a 
great job of identifying everything. In fact, I passed it a .pyd file 
and it happily analyzed it. Thanks to both of you for pointing me to 

There remains pending for me the fact that using gtkmm instead of 
Windows-specific windowing code increases my binary from 4 MB to 40 
MB. It was suggested that one can strip the dll's, but I don't know 
how to do that. I installed gtkmm etc. from Windows binary downloads.

Bruce Sherwood

On Unix systems, the 'strip' command does what you're asking about, 
but I'm not sure that there is a similar command on Windows.  It 
should be available through MinGW though (try 'man strip' at the 
command line).

I forgot to mention, that the strip command is mainly used on 
executables generated from a compile command.  Stripping libraries may 
be bad for debugging later.


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