Re: Reverse-wrapping gtkmm widgets to gtk+ (for glade3)

Alexander Brinkman schrieb:
> On Mon, 2006-11-20 at 22:53 +0100, Oliver Nittka wrote:
>> ok, attached are my humble efforts to figure this out.
> Attached is one with a property, 

i'm absolutely baffled that just creating a glibmm property
automatically shows up in glade. I was already thinking on how to wrap
Glib::Properties to their C-style equivalent. I'm very, very happy :-)

> though changing the property does not
> result in an on_expose_event. I guess this can be done by creating a
> changed signal on the property (by using SignalProxyProperty ???) but I
> haven't got that working yet.

i use the following in SimpleDraw::SimpleDraw(GtkDrawingArea* gobject):

  sigc::mem_fun(this, &SimpleDraw::queue_draw));

and it seems to work nicely!


ok, well, except libglade does not seem to honor the saved properties:
when setting the property in, the widget always shows
up with showblue's default state (no matter how you initialize showblue
in the c'tor).

well, let's tackle this one, too! :-)

Oliver Nittka
ESEM Grünau GmbH & Co. KG
Dornierstraße 6, 88677 Markdorf/Germany
phone: +49 7544 9583-25, fax: +49 7544 9583-60

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