Re: printing

Murray Cumming wrote:

On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 13:21 -0600, Bob Caryl wrote:
Evidently I am not making myself clear: In my test case, I checked the return value I got from the run method of the print dialog. In every case, it returned the __same__ value regardless of which of the three buttons had been pressed to terminate the dialog.

And I am saying that there may be a problem with your test case because
it worked for me, in the example that's in cvs. Something is wrong

I will retrieve the example code from the cvs repository. In my test case, I took the example code and instantiated the dialog in the Example::init() method in order to use the config derived therefrom to create the print job.
fn:Robert Caryl
org:Fiscal Systems, Inc.
adr:;;102 Commerce Circle;Madison;AL;35758;USA
email;internet:bob fis-cal com
title:Senior Software Design Engineer
tel;work:356-772-8920 X108

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