Re: printing

On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 07:21 -0600, Bob Caryl wrote:
> I am referring to the C++ wrapped versions, namely libgnomeprintmm and 
> libgnomeprintuimm.  Is it likely that the applications to which you 
> referred will have used those?

No, but the use of the API will be very very similar.

>   In regard to the gnome-devel mailing 
> list:  who wrote the C++ wrappers?

Mostly me.

>   I naturally assumed that the gtkmm 
> crowd did that.  Am I mistaken? 
> My searches through the header files reveal some strange things:  for 
> instance, the run method for the printer dialog (in the 
> libgnomeprintuimm library) not only returns nothing (even though it has 
> a return value of "int") it is simply commented out in the class 
> definition header.

Can you be more precise. What function exactly? It has a return value
but it doesn't have a return value?

Maybe you could link to viewcvs, or just mention exact files and

>   When I check the return value for this method, it 
> gives me the same return value for all three possible buttons that can 
> be pushed in the dialog.  I can find nothing that indicates which one 
> was pushed when the run method exits.
> I guess I'm trying to find out whether these libraries are even viable, 
> and whether or not I'm going to have to fall back to the standard gnome 
> printing libraries (for which I can find scant information as well).  I 
> don't mind searching for these things, I am simply in a quandry as to 
> where to start.

I'm sure that libgnomeprint*mm will work just as well as libgnomeprint*,
though there's the theoeritcal possibility that we might have some small
bugs to fix in the wrapper. But the wrapping is simple so there's no
hidden magic.

I doubt that _anybody_ is really using libgnomeprint*mm at the moment.
And not many people are using the C API either. However, it obviously
works for gedit, gnumeric, evolution, etc.

We are all waiting for the perfect cairo-based printing API to arrive in
a future version of GTK+.

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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