Re: printing

Ole Laursen wrote:

Bob Caryl <bob fis-cal com> writes:

I have been trying to get into libgnomeprintmm and libgnomeprintuimm,
and I have run into precious little in the way of documentation.  Can
any of you point me towards the source of an application that
utilitzes these libraries, or perhaps point me towards some API
documentation that contains a bit more than member function names and
formal parameter data types?

Hm, standard GNOME applications come to mind, e.g. gedit, Gnumeric,
perhaps Evolution. It should be easy to find the sources for these
with Google. For more help about the API, I think your best bet is the
gnome-devel list or people on IRC.

I am referring to the C++ wrapped versions, namely libgnomeprintmm and libgnomeprintuimm. Is it likely that the applications to which you referred will have used those? In regard to the gnome-devel mailing list: who wrote the C++ wrappers? I naturally assumed that the gtkmm crowd did that. Am I mistaken? My searches through the header files reveal some strange things: for instance, the run method for the printer dialog (in the libgnomeprintuimm library) not only returns nothing (even though it has a return value of "int") it is simply commented out in the class definition header. When I check the return value for this method, it gives me the same return value for all three possible buttons that can be pushed in the dialog. I can find nothing that indicates which one was pushed when the run method exits.

I guess I'm trying to find out whether these libraries are even viable, and whether or not I'm going to have to fall back to the standard gnome printing libraries (for which I can find scant information as well). I don't mind searching for these things, I am simply in a quandry as to where to start.


fn:Robert Caryl
org:Fiscal Systems, Inc.
adr:;;102 Commerce Circle;Madison;AL;35758;USA
email;internet:bob fis-cal com
title:Senior Software Design Engineer
tel;work:356-772-8920 X108

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