Re: [gtkmm] Custom TreeStore Problems

Christer Palm schrieb:
Just curios - how do you perform a binary search when there's only a forward_iterator? Isn't that in fact pretty much the root to the TreeModel performance problems in general?

I guess you are right here: I suspect std::lower_bound determines that TreeStore::iterator is a sequential access iterator and emulates binary search by skipping elements (if increment is much cheaper than comparison this is a reasonable move). Of course this assertion does not hold for trees (which is why they usually implement lower_bound as a more efficient member function). I did not try whether linear search might be faster (my custom model is _much_ (10x at 10k) faster). I still have no clue why this did not show up more cleanly in profiling (the call numbers were high but time seemed to be spent elsewhere).

So, to Murray: Do you see that there is Value to a custom TreeModel in this case? Another example might be a model where column contents interact with each other (e.g. Color is dependant on text content).

But ... this does not yet explain the problem mentioned on the gtk-app-devel list (see my previous post for the source). He did only append.


PS: My custom TreeModel example at*checkout*/manuproc/Komponenten/examples/
performs well while calculating about 4G rows. (does not depend on anything else but gtkmm)

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