Re: [gtkmm] Custom TreeStore Problems

Murray Cumming Comneon com schrieb:
I suspect that Kristian Rietvel (kris) would be worth talking to on irc
about treeview performance. I don't want to believe that a custom treemodel
is necessary.

Well I suspect that the problem _might_ be in the overhead of the C++ wrapping.

What I did was:
- sorted insertion of 10000 lines into a TreeStore (actually it becomes a subtree whenever columns match)
  the sort criterion was a custom class defining operator<
  key and additional data were referenced by smart pointers (handles)

I used std::upper_bound/std::equal_range on the TreeStore to find a suitable position.

What I found by profiling:
- many many many refs and unrefs of my key/value type (remember TreeModelColumn< Handle <some data> > )
- many many many TreeStore::iterator++
- Once I statically compiled gtkmm and gtk for profiling I found 4 seconds out of 20 spent in (application,gtkmm,gtk). - I never found a library (LD_PROFILE,sprof) in which the time was spent (neither was it in my program) - I finally gave up and tried a custom tree model (based on std::multimap) => about 2 seconds for 10k rows, all inclusive

Possible problems might be:
- random access (by index) into a tree like structure (iterator conversion) or vice versa [internal mismatch of iterator concepts]
[Problem might lie between gtkmm/gtk/glib]
Because of the binary search (in topmost abstraction level) this will get worse. I found that TreeModel defines n-th child access methods but a tree (IIRC TreeStore uses a glib based tree) can't do that efficiently.

- losses due to end() emulation [Of course I need to call end() at least N*logN times and there are a lot of comparisons]

- losses due to frequent GValue and Handle<> conversion/ passing/ duplication [perhaps the boxed type implementation does not scale that well]

Since other people (*) have also found "for() { iter=append(); (*iter)[]=... }" to be slow I suspect that gtkmm has a somewhat inefficient (though wonderfully type-safe designed) use of GtkTreeModel.

My current needs are surpassed by my std::multimap<->Gtk::TreeModel adaptor (*2).

(part of a bigger framework)

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