Re: Compiling Glib 1.223 on win xp

On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 4:26 AM, RAPPAZ Francois
<francois rappaz unifr ch> wrote:
I wanted to compile perl bindind for Glib and friends to have a recent Gtk2-perl, but I give up...

I tried camelbox but without installing the core perl which was needed with it, and that was not working 
either with my perl 5.8.9 from ActiveState.

You would be extremely lucky if anything from Camelbox (Perl 5.10.x)
worked with your version of ActiveState (5.8.9).  If you're going to
try to mix and match Perls, you should at least try with the same
version, but be warned, it may break anyways, due to different
compilers, build processes, etc.  In other words, don't mix and match

I'm reluctant to have two perl versions installed, it's not very elegant at least, and even in twisting the 
path when using the gtk2 in a script, I prefer to keep the binaries I have found for ActiveState.

Something in your current ActiveState environment or your current
install of Windows XP is preventing the Gtk2-Perl from building
correctly.  I think the problem is either the configuration of your
Windows machine, or a conflict with software already installed on your

If you want to stick with your ActiveState install, have you thought
about asking ActiveState to build Gtk2-Perl packages for you?



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